So this morning I woke up in the mood for donuts. Has this ever happened to you?! (Before we get crazy, no I am not pregnant.) But this week has left we feeling all out of whack and I really wanted a little “hey the week’s almost over” pick me up! And that my friends happened to be donuts.
Oh the tasty, warm goodness of a freshly glazed pastry. I’m pretty sure there is almost nothing sweeter. Can I get an amen?!
Anyway, now that I have the sugar rushing through my veins and have downed a cup of coffee…or twelve, I’m on to business. Would you like a little end of the week pick me up as well?!
With my recent site overhaul (isn’t it beautiful?!) I’ve brought back some old school advertising. In the next few weeks I will be attending Periscope Summit, meeting up with other bloggers, and giving YOU many opportunities to shine in front of many! To top that off, October will be a HUGE month for me and I want to get these spots filled ASAP! Each spot will be live for TWO months (Sept-Oct) and we can work together to find the BEST way to highlight your brand/business in the best way possible. More bang for your buck friends!
So do you want to give your business an extra kick right before the holidays? Then partner with me! Making YOU look good is my specialty!
Head over to my advertising page to get started!

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