“What’s that on your arm?!?!”
Yep, that is the question I now get all of the time. And frankly it’s one I am happy to answer. “It’s a tattoo and let me tell you what it means.” But before I get ahead of myself, why don’t I share with you how all of this craziness went down.
Two weeks ago a friend and I agreed to have a fun girls’ night out. We had just finished with our children’s “Meet the Teacher” night and in an effort to forget about the fact our babies were growing up we needed to have some fun. And of course fun always comes with a little pain, right?! Well I guess it does in my world, ha! That’s why we landed ourselves at a local tattoo parlor for some artistic expression. Nothing classes up an establishment like this more than driving this car there. Why not, that Lincoln beckoned for me to take it for a spin!
And then it happened…
We were a little crazy and so nervous, but had a blast. I’m pretty sure the tattoo guy had never seen mini van mothers quite like that. I guess we aim to shock, ha!
So that brings me back to the question, “What’s on your arm?”
(yeah that’s me trying to be all “magazine cover” for the photo…not really working. Unless it’s “Mini Van Moms Gone Wrong”)
The answer to everyone’s question is quite simple. It’s the Gospel story. Laid out in an easy fashion with symbols. What a great reminder for me to share the Good news of God’s great love and sacrifice daily. It’s a fun conversation starter and I pray I have many an opportunity to spell out the story on my arm! (I did to the tattoo guy!) A few months ago I found the symbols on this website and knew I HAD to have them on my arm!
He Came:
Have you heard that story before. It’s one of the most beautiful, heart wrenching, TRUE stories ever told. But unfortunately, you can’t just know of the story.
Julie S. says
What a cool concept! Love it!
Staci says
Love! My kids used to wear bracelets with the symbols that they snagged at church camp one year. I love how bold you are in sharing the Gospel. What a great way to start a conversation and invite someone to know Jesus as you do. 🙂
Autumn says
Your kinda a badass so I love it! ANd that it was done your way!
Molly says
Karen says
Thats really cool! Wonderful that you want to share the Gospel!