After leaving the Influence Conference last year, there were two things I was certain of. One, the never ending Starbucks coffee was flat out amazing, and two, I needed to come back next year. It was plain and simple, I loved these ladies. I wish I could say I want to attend again for all of the amazing blogging strategy sessions, or the touching life speakers, but the main reason I want to go back is for all those ladies! Don’t get me wrong, I know the sessions will be outstanding because they were last year, but I there is something about those women. I met so many new friends last year. I mean honest to goodness friends. How can I miss an opportunity to see them again? To worship with them again? To laugh at our crazy caffeinated, lack of sleep antics?
I just love them.
I love the community.
But as you all know we were thrown the cutest little curveball this year, and with that money has been tight. Knowing that the cost of Influence would be greater because of my new travel buddy, I had pretty much given up hope on attending. Then, just the other day, the dream of making it back to Influence tugged on my heart again. If I were going to go I needed a plan. I needed help. And here’s what I’ve come up with:
You got that right. This fair maiden (and little side kick) are on a journey to attend the Influence Conference. One that needs your help. I have opened up an ad spot for my blog. Just in one size and for those wanting to help a sister out. 😉 When you purchase the spot your ad will appear on my sidebar for TWO months…the amount of time we have before the conference! Shoot, if my dream comes true and Pippa and I can make the trip then I might just throw in a third month for the heck of it! Check that out here.
Maybe you don’t want/have a need for an ad space on my blog, or you want to give a little extra?! I’ve set up a donate button which links to my PayPal account for your donations. Please know that all money raised will go directly to sending me to Influence.
C’mon ladies, you know you want to see this pretty little face.
Well maybe you really only want to see this one, ha!
So would you consider being apart of the fairy tale?
Is it crazy to dream this is possible?!
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