Newborn pictures are some of the most beautiful photography around. Seeing those precious toes, chubby cheeks, and button nose; man it can melt anyone! Saturday we had our newborn photo shoot for Pippa with our photographer Kelly, but before that I spent time online looking up sweet new photo ideas. We’ve done this 4 times before and I wanted different, fun, and creative! (P.S. Kelly is AMAZING at coming up with awesome ideas which translate well into beautiful pictures.) Here are some of my favorite newborn photo ideas that I found!
Are these not the CUTEST pictures?!?!
Which is your favorite??

Love these. I tried to do the first one. It looks pretty cute, but didn’t turn out super similar because I didn’t pay enough attention to the background, clothes, how I was holding Jaye etc.
I don’t know why, exactly, but I LOVED that bookworm picture. I’m not even a bookworm type. 🙂 I also loved the aviator glasses one with the parents kissing in the reflection. So cool! Newborn pictures are so fun! I think I even had one of these pictures pinned for our day. Can’t wait to see Pippa’s pics. 🙂
Oh my gosh! Twin cuddles! I want twins now!
hahaha we totally tried to do a similar book picture when Gbug was born and he wouldn’t hold still for anything on that book he just kept crying. it was rather funny.
OMG. THE TWINS. And the little turtle…they are making me desperately want another baby. I regret not getting newborn pics taken of either of my kids!