It seems I get asked that question at least once a week, and boy it sure does drive me crazy. ha! Though I know people are joking when they ask me, it’s just I’m not a fan of strangers asking me that. So today I have compiled a list of answers I might just rattle off to the next person who asks me.
* No, I haven’t quite figured that out yet. Would you mind explaining it to me?
* Yes, we JUST figured it out this time.
* What do you mean, I’m just smuggling a watermelon.
* Well, I’m not sure, because I’ve been abstinent my entire life.
*Yes we do, and we quite enjoy it.
Maybe that will teach them not to say such things to people they don’t know. Maybe not.
Every time I’m pregnant and have to take the glucose test I seriously stress and wonder if I’ll have gestational diabetes. Though I never have, and really have never even been close to having it, I always wonder if THIS time I will. Thankfully, I am five for five and diabetes free! Hallelujah! Naturally, the best way to celebrate was with a brownie sundae, ha!
Somehow, I still get people who are shocked when I tell them I’m pregnant, and they tell me I don’t look like it at all. But then I wonder how bad they thought I looked? Did they think I normally carry around this much belly weight shaped like a basketball? Who knows, people be crazy.
So if you were asked, “Do you know what causes that?” what would be your best/most creative answer????
chrissy@thePEARLblog says
ive never been asked that… let me think about it and get back to you on an answer…
Kelly says
Ha, I would just smile and roll my eyes. 🙂 Or yell out “YOU bet I do, SEX, and lots of it!!!”
brittany says
Jessica kiehn says
I agree with Kelly. I’d say something as equally shocking and dumb/rude so they could realize what they’re saying!
Casey says
LOVE Your baby bump!!! I’ve been asked this question numerous times, even when we were just pregnant with #2 (I guess bc the closeness in age between my first and second)?!? I hate it also… Your comebacks sound pretty good to me. My fav was the last! 😉
brittany says
It’s so annoying, right?!
Nikki says
I say more Power to Ya, Girl!!! Tell those people that you are still in love with your husband and Yes you still have then energy after playing and raising 4 kids all day to enjoy your husband too! Haha. Then ask them if they still enjoy their husband? Lol. Jk! Bet that would make them think twice!!!
brittany says
BAHAHAHA!!!! LOVE IT, might need to try that response!