Wednesday was a BIG day for my little man!
He get his cast off!
And of course being the cool mother that I am, I took him out for a little celebratory breakfast before his appointment. the kid was cheesin’ it up! ha!
By the time we made it back to the room at the doc’s office, Titus was less than thrilled to have his picture taken. And then when his cast was removed, he realized he would no longer have his Captain America shield any longer. He was not happy! On the bright side, all of the nurses and doctors LOVED his cast and said it was probably the coolest one they’ve seen! They were surprised I painted it, and Titus LOVED the attention. Bonus points for mommy!
Sam told me that I should video tape the cast removal, but I didn’t know if that would be allowed. Because my motto is it’s better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission, I went for it, ha! And of course right as his cast was almost off, a doctor walked in and asked me to wait until the procedure was over to take pics. Amateur…she had no idea I was filming, ha! With that said, here’s what I was able to film. (p.s. ignore my awkward laugh!)
I am such a rebel!
Now that his cast is off he does have to wear a brace for two weeks, but he can take it off to sleep and shower in. We are supposed to work on helping him to move it around as well. The main concern of Titus’ was if I could paint this “fake cast” too. Oh boy…I guess I’m up for the challenge!
(yeah, sorry the picture is blurry. The kid would NOT stay still, ha!)
Happy Weekend to all!
{This month’s advertisement!}

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